0:c1The expression used in Spanish to ask the hour is:
¿Qué hora es?/What time is it?
Depending on singular or plural hour you can answer:
Es la una (en punto)./It's one o'clock. Son las diez (en punto)./It's ten o'clock.
The feminine article (la, las) is always used before the hour meaning "la hora".
In Spanish language minutes are added to the hour using the word y (and).
Son las once y cinco./It's five minutes past eleven.
Minutes can be subtracted from the hour using the word menos (less).
Son las cuatro menos diez./It's ten minutes till four.
Other words that you can use are media (half) and cuarto (quarter).
Son las tres y media./It's half past one. Es la una y cuarto./It's quarter past one.
Of course, you can use a combination too:
Son las cinco menos cuarto./It's quarter till five. Son las nueve y media./It's half past nine.
To say something occurs at a specific time, you must use the form a + la(s) + hour.
Iré a tu casa a las tres./I'll go to your house at three o'clock.
In Spanish is never used 'in' pronoun to express a part of the day. It´s used de (of) before the part or the day. La clase comienza a las dos de la tarde./The class begin at two o'clock in the afternoon.
It's not very common to use the expressions a.m and p.m. If you don´t know an exact time, you must use the pronoun por + part of the day.
Por la mañana/In the morning. Por la tarde/In the afternoon. Por la noche/In the evening.
Mi hijo vendrá por la tarde./My son will come in the afternoon.
Other expressions that you can use are:
Mañana/Tomorrow, morning Mañana por la mañana/Tomorrow morning Pasado mañana/The day after tomorrow Ayer/Yesterday Anteayer/The day before yesterday. Anoche/Last night La noche anterior, anteanoche/The night before last El viernes que viene/Next Friday El mes que viene/Next month El domingo pasado/Last Monday Durante el día/During the day Al amanecer/When the sun is appearing in the morning. Al atardecer/When the sun is disappearing in the afternoon. Al mediodía/At noon A la medianoche/At midnight Alrededor de/Around De día/Days A tiempo/On time En punto/Exactly, on-the-dot Tarde/Late Temprano/Early Madrugada/Early morning.