Turism phones in Costa de la Luz - South Andalusia
Area dialling code: 959 Oficina de Turismo Junta de Andalucia (Andalusian Regional Government Tourist Board). Avenida de Alemania, 14. Tel: 257403.
Patronato Provincial de Turismo (Provincial Tourist Board): Fernando el Catolico, 18. Tel: 257467. and 258467.
Delegacion Provincial de Economia y Haciendo de la Junta de Andalucia. (The local authorities of the Countil for Economic and Revenue Affairs of the Regional Government of Andalucia). Avenida de Alemania, 1. Tel: 245092 and 258700. Fax. 260559.
Area Dialling Code: 956 Oficina de Informacion de Turismo de Cadiz (Cadiz Tourist Information Office). Calderon de la Barca, 1. Tel: 21313. Fax: 228471.
Delegacion Provincial de Economia y Hacienda de la Junta de Andalucia. (The local authorities of the Council for Economic and Revenue Affairs of the Regional Government of Andalucia.) Pza. España, 19. Tel: 245201 and 245265. Fax. 255302.
Patronato Provincial de Turismo. (Provincial Tourist Board): Avda. Ramon de Carranza, 11. Tel: 240161.