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A.S.L. PraFor Programs

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Immigration Internships
Volunteer in a parents Association
Social government agency
Internship in a civil defense agency
Volunteer in non profit agency
Internship in a Consumers Association
Internship in citizen´s advice bureau
Internship in a youth information office
Helping people with social / economic dificulties
Practical Experience Internship
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Immigration Internships by PraFor

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Immigration Internships

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Type of Organization:
Level of Spanish:
Basic or higher  Test my level
Area of focus:
- Cooperation/Social work -


Work with other human rights activists to design an internship for that works for YOU! We want your internship to be a meaningful one in which you complete a project that is important to you. Self-motivation, creativity and enthusiasm are required! We will help you refine your idea and make it happen.
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